Welcome to the Australian Faunal Directory (AFD), an online catalogue of authoritative taxonomic and biological information on all animal species known to occur within Australia and its territories. The AFD provides authoritative information on nomenclature and taxonomy of species, type data information, bibliographic information for species and distribution of species. The AFD is updated regularly, as publications become available, and continuous curation aims to keep existing content and taxonomic arrangement current and up-to-date.

The Australian Faunal Directory (AFD) is an online catalogue of taxonomic and biological information on all animal species known to occur within Australia and its territories.

The AFD can provide information on:

  • nomenclature and taxonomy of species (including valid names [= what a species is currently called], synonyms, and changes to names over time);
  • type data information;
  • bibliographic information for species;
  • distribution of species.

The AFD is updated regularly, as publications become available. We welcome constructive feedback that can be used to improve the service we provide.

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Currently, AFD includes 0000 species/subspecies online, in 0000 families.