
"HOLOTYPE: NEW SOUTH WALES: Central Coast: near Maroota, <i>L. McDougall 122</i>, 25 Oct 1989 (NSW 220462). [<i>sic</i>; collection date of holotype specimen NSW 220462 is 25 Aug. 1989, <i>fide</i> Marco Duretto (NSW), <i>pers. comm.</i>, May 2013] ISOTYPES: PERTH, CANB, K, MO."


"HOLOTYPE: NEW SOUTH WALES: Central Coast: near Maroota, <i>L. McDougall 122</i>, 25 Oct 1989 (NSW 220462). [<i>sic</i>; collection date of holotype specimen NSW 220462 is 25 Aug. 1989, <i>fide</i> Marco Duretto (NSW), <i>pers. comm.</i>, May 2013] ISOTYPES: PERTH, CANB, K, MO."