
"NEW SOUTH WALES: North Western Slopes: Macintyre Falls, 3 km S of junction of Macintyre and Severn Rivers, <i>A.N.Rodd 4096</i>, 23 Nov 1984 (NSW 198521). ISOTYPES: BRI,MEL."


"NEW SOUTH WALES: North Western Slopes: Macintyre Falls, 3 km S of junction of Macintyre and Severn Rivers, <i>A.N.Rodd 4096</i>, 23 Nov 1984 (NSW 198521). ISOTYPES: BRI,MEL."


"The species is named for Anthony Norman Rodd (1940- ), botanist, who collected the species in 1984 at the Macintyre Falls site; the epithet is given also in grateful acknowledgement of the encouragement and assistance that Tony Rodd has always given to newer workers in botany."