
'Drummond, 5th coll. n. 81, and Suppl. n. 41 (very spinescent specimen with dark-coloured flowers); Grasstree plains between M'Callum and Stokes Inlets, Maxwell (more leafy and less spinescent, with apparently bright yellow flowers)': J. Drummond Suppl. n. 41; lecto.: K (here selected): isolecto.: MEL 651105.


'Drummond, 5th coll. n. 81, and Suppl. n. 41 (very spinescent specimen with dark-coloured flowers); Grasstree plains between M'Callum and Stokes Inlets, Maxwell (more leafy and less spinescent, with apparently bright yellow flowers)': J. Drummond Suppl. n. 41; lecto.: K (here selected): isolecto.: MEL 651105.