
"10 km ENE Kalumburu, Kimberley, Western Austraia, 14° 14'S, 126°44'E, <i>R.K.Harwood 169 & J.Russell-Smith</i>, 20.vi.1997 (holotype MEL <i>2044558</i> (transparency DNA); isotype DNA <i>132848</i> (2 sheets), (transparencies MEL <i>204459</i>, MEL <i>2044560</i>."


"10 km ENE Kalumburu, Kimberley, Western Austraia, 14° 14'S, 126°44'E, <i>R.K.Harwood 169 & J.Russell-Smith</i>, 20.vi.1997 (holotype MEL <i>2044558</i> (transparency DNA); isotype DNA <i>132848</i> (2 sheets), (transparencies MEL <i>204459</i>, MEL <i>2044560</i>."


"The specific epithet is derived form Latin <i>anomalus</i> (diverging from the usual, abnormal). The name refers to the unusual combination of characters found in this species, and that it is atypical of Boronias in the Kimberley Region in not having sepals that are much smaller than the petals."