
"Queensland: Burnett: Beeron Holding, 26 00'S 151 21'E, M.F. Duretto 1330, P.I. Forster and P. Grimshaw, 15.viii.1999 (holotype MEL 2059467, isotypes BRI, CANB, K, MEL 2059468). (Figs 13 I-J)." [Correct collection date is 15 September 1999, M.F.Duretto, <i>pers. comm.</i> 2013]


"Queensland: Burnett: Beeron Holding, 26 00'S 151 21'E, M.F. Duretto 1330, P.I. Forster and P. Grimshaw, 15.viii.1999 (holotype MEL 2059467, isotypes BRI, CANB, K, MEL 2059468). (Figs 13 I-J)." [Correct collection date is 15 September 1999, M.F.Duretto, <i>pers. comm.</i> 2013]