
"Holotype: New South Wales: Central Tablelands: Blue Mountains National Park, 50 m SSE of Sunset Rock, off Kedumba Valley Road, off Tablelands Road, Wentworth Falls,. 33º 45´ 49˝ S, 150º 22´ 20.9˝ E, 29 Oct 2014, D. Coleby 1429 (NSW880256). Isotypes BRI, CANB, HO, MEL."


"Holotype: New South Wales: Central Tablelands: Blue Mountains National Park, 50 m SSE of Sunset Rock, off Kedumba Valley Road, off Tablelands Road, Wentworth Falls,. 33º 45´ 49˝ S, 150º 22´ 20.9˝ E, 29 Oct 2014, D. Coleby 1429 (NSW880256). Isotypes BRI, CANB, HO, MEL."


"The epithet honours the memory of Dr Elizabeth Brown (1956–2013), a research bryologist, an <i>Epacris</i> expert, and formerly the Scientific Editor of <i>Telopea</i>, who worked for nearly 24 years at the National Herbarium of New South Wales."