
"Crinia Flat (informal name), 9.8 km east-north-east of Mount Jameson; 6.6 km south-east of Mount Agnes, Mount Elizabeth Station, north of Munja track, Western Australia, 28 January 2007, R.L. Barrett & M.D. Barrett RLB 4045 (holo: PERTH 08103925; iso: CANB, CNS, DNA, K, MEL, NSW)."


"Crinia Flat (informal name), 9.8 km east-north-east of Mount Jameson; 6.6 km south-east of Mount Agnes, Mount Elizabeth Station, north of Munja track, Western Australia, 28 January 2007, R.L. Barrett & M.D. Barrett RLB 4045 (holo: PERTH 08103925; iso: CANB, CNS, DNA, K, MEL, NSW)."


"The epithet is derived from arenite (sandstone) and refers to the substrate this species grows on."