
"Queensland. Cook District: Mt Hedley, 3 km ENE of Rossville, Timber Reserve 165, 15 April 1999, <i>P.I. Forster PIF24277 & R. Booth</i> (holo: BRI [2 sheets + spirit]; iso: AD, CNS, K, L, MEL, NSW, US <i>distribuendi</i>)."


"Queensland. Cook District: Mt Hedley, 3 km ENE of Rossville, Timber Reserve 165, 15 April 1999, <i>P.I. Forster PIF24277 & R. Booth</i> (holo: BRI [2 sheets + spirit]; iso: AD, CNS, K, L, MEL, NSW, US <i>distribuendi</i>)."


"From the Latin <i>iridescens</i>, meaning iridescent, displaying different colours when viewed from different angles. The lower leaf surface shows alternating bands of brilliant white and steely-grey which change position depending on the direction of the light source."