
"Holotypus: <i>M.D. Barrett 4647 & K.W. Dixon</i>, 20 Mar. 2015, near Bachsten Creek [precise locality withheld for conservation reasons], Western Australia (PERTH 8926859). Isotypi: AD, BRI, CANB, DNA, K."


"The adjectival epithet is derived from the Greek <i>porphyro</i>-, purple, <i>dinos</i>, cup, and -<i>eus</i>, noted for (Stearn 1966, p. 267), alluding to the distinctively open-mouthed purple-limbed corolla."


"Holotypus: <i>M.D. Barrett 4647 & K.W. Dixon</i>, 20 Mar. 2015, near Bachsten Creek [precise locality withheld for conservation reasons], Western Australia (PERTH 8926859). Isotypi: AD, BRI, CANB, DNA, K."