
"Northern Territory. Darwin and Gulf: Near Dinner Creek, Kakadu Stage 3, 21 Apri1 1995, <i>G. Leach 4571 & L. Greschke</i> (holo: DNA 12551; iso: BRI [AQ531897], CANB [<i>n.v.</i>], PERTH [<i>n.v.</i>])."


"Northern Territory. Darwin and Gulf: Near Dinner Creek, Kakadu Stage 3, 21 Apri1 1995, <i>G. Leach 4571 & L. Greschke</i> (holo: DNA 12551; iso: BRI [AQ531897], CANB [<i>n.v.</i>], PERTH [<i>n.v.</i>])."


"The specific epithet is derived from the Latin, <i>borealis</i> (north or northern), and refers to this species being the most northerly species in <i>Drummondita</i>."