
"AUSTRALIA. Western Australia: along Northwest Coastal Highway, where it crosses the Gascoyne River, on both sides of the river, south of the bridge, on the river bank, mostly in shady sites under Eucalyptus, 24˚49′41′′S, 113˚46′12′′E, 15 m, August 21, 2015, <i>Chase, Fay & Christenhusz 68253</i> (holotype K; isotypes CANB, PERTH, PG)."


"AUSTRALIA. Western Australia: along Northwest Coastal Highway, where it crosses the Gascoyne River, on both sides of the river, south of the bridge, on the river bank, mostly in shady sites under Eucalyptus, 24˚49′41′′S, 113˚46′12′′E, 15 m, August 21, 2015, <i>Chase, Fay & Christenhusz 68253</i> (holotype K; isotypes CANB, PERTH, PG)."


"This species is named for the Gascoyne River, along which it occurs in abundance. The river was named in 1839 for Captain John Gascoyne, a member of the London-based Western Australian Missionary Society."