
"AUSTRALIA. Western Australia: Pilbara, Karijini National Park, Joffre Gorge, under small rock overhang facing south, locally abundant, 22˚23′25′′S, 118˚16′03′′E, 700 m, August 9, 2015, <i>Chase & Christenhusz 68178</i> (holotype K, isotypes AD, CANB, PERTH, PG)."


"AUSTRALIA. Western Australia: Pilbara, Karijini National Park, Joffre Gorge, under small rock overhang facing south, locally abundant, 22˚23′25′′S, 118˚16′03′′E, 700 m, August 9, 2015, <i>Chase & Christenhusz 68178</i> (holotype K, isotypes AD, CANB, PERTH, PG)."


"The name karijini means ‘hilly place’ in the Banyjima language and is the name of the Hamersley Range for the Banyjima, Yinhawanka and Kurrama peoples, who made this area their home some 30 000 years ago."