
"on the corner of Julimar Road and Plunkett Road, c. 22 km west of Toodyay, Western Australia, 21 September 1991, <i>A. Lowrie</i> 324 (<i>holo</i>: PERTH 08702519; <i>iso</i>: MEL)."


"on the corner of Julimar Road and Plunkett Road, c. 22 km west of Toodyay, Western Australia, 21 September 1991, <i>A. Lowrie</i> 324 (<i>holo</i>: PERTH 08702519; <i>iso</i>: MEL)."


"This species is named after the town-site of Bindoon (Latitude 31° 23’ S, Longitude 116° 06’ E). Bindoon was gazetted in 1953, but the name has been in use in this area for over 150 years. It is derived from the name given by an early settler, Mr William Locke Brockman, to the property he surveyed in 1843. Bindoon is an Aboriginal name, thought to mean ‘place where yams grow’ (<i>fide</i> Landgate 2017). The epithet is formed as a noun in apposition."