
Wandoo National Park, Flynn Block, Catchment Road, York, c. 1 km west-south from Talbot West Road, Western Australia, 13 August 2005, F. & J. Hort 2560 (holo: PERTH 07197497; iso: CANB, K, MEL, NSW).


Wandoo National Park, Flynn Block, Catchment Road, York, c. 1 km west-south from Talbot West Road, Western Australia, 13 August 2005, F. & J. Hort 2560 (holo: PERTH 07197497; iso: CANB, K, MEL, NSW).


"The specific name honours Fred and Jean Hort, whose prolific and systematic collections from the eastern Darling Range have led to the recognition of many new species for that area. Although, in this case, they were not the first collectors of the species, their efforts in seeking new populations helped to confirm that it was taxonomically distinct and also, in large measure, established the extent of its geographical range."