
Mawson Plateau, Mt. Field National Park, 100 m NW from top end of ski tow (now abandoned) in Dracophyllum minimum cushions, 42 41S 146 34 E, 1285 m, AMGray 1513, (holo: HO530529; iso: MEL, CANB [as CAN], NSW).


Mawson Plateau, Mt. Field National Park, 100 m NW from top end of ski tow (now abandoned) in Dracophyllum minimum cushions, 42 41S 146 34 E, 1285 m, AMGray 1513, (holo: HO530529; iso: MEL, CANB [as CAN], NSW).


"the name minima was chosen because the plant is of much smaller habit than other species of <i>Sprengelia</i>."